Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Dear Lucca,

You have one of the best daddy's on the planet. If he loved you any more, his heart would explode out of his chest. He is probably your favorite person, and I can see why. He's mine too. I think you knew it was Father's Day, because you treated your daddy even more special than you usually do, and gave him lots of sweet baby kisses all day long...


Anonymous said...

They have that special "bond" that noone can break. I love it. Thanks Kels for capturing those moments!
Mama Sal

Mutha K said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet.

Masters Family said...

Adorable daddy-daughter pics!! :)

swisher sweet said...

You must have another or else it will be 2 against 1 your whole life. Those 2 are peas in a pod.