Wednesday, October 7, 2009

6/7 Months Old

We took Lucca to her 6 month check-up yesterday (even though she is 7 months old now!). We had missed her appointment during all of our September travels - oops. She is perfectly healthy and "growing beautifully" according to Dr. Brock, our fab pediatrician.

She is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight:
height: 26 3/4 inches
weight: 18.6 lbs

Lucca was a perfect little patient and gave the Dr. lots of smiles as he examined her little body. She got 3 shots, and the flu vaccine...and, as usual, didn't shed a single tear! She is 3 for 3 now, and makes her parents look like wimps (we are both scared of shots).

We are moving to solids 3 times a day now, and got the OK to start trying a few finger foods -- probably avocado first. Time is going by so quickly, it feels like tomorrow she will be going to Kindergarten. :(

We are so thankful for Lucca's health. The doctor told us her life expectancy at this point is 90 years old...isn't that crazy? Cheers to 90 years.

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